Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Help us spread the word about Alleyn's bursaries

Help us spread the word about Alleyn's bursaries

As part of the 400th Anniversary Campaign: Growing Bursaries for the Future we’re delighted to announce that we are taking part in Giving Tuesday* - a global day of charitable giving. To date the Campaign has raised donations and pledges of over £500,000 this year.

The 400th Anniversary Campaign aims to widen access to the unique educational experience that Alleyn’s provides by doubling the number of transformational bursary places we can offer. We are proud of what we have achieved so far and Giving Tuesday is an opportunity to move further still towards this goal as a fitting culmination of all the excitement of the launch year of the campaign.

We are thankful to our community for their support. On Tuesday 3 December you can get involved with Giving Tuesday and make a real difference as a member of the Alleyn’s community by spreading the word and sharing our Giving Tuesday messages on social media.

You can help us spread the message on social media and use #MyGivingStory #givingtuesday to talk about how you have supported the Campaign yourselves so far – whether that be as a Campaign Ambassador or as a donor - and encourage others to support the Campaign. Or, if you are going to support Giving Tuesday by donating to the Alleyn’s School Bursary Fund, make your #GivingTuesdayPledge on social media. On the day you will be able to donate online here        
On the day: please interact with and share our social media posts about Giving Tuesday from our Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts.

Thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing how our collective effort makes a real difference on Tuesday 3 December.

Find out more about the Campaign

*What is Giving Tuesday?
Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving. A day where everyone, everywhere can do something to support the good causes and communities that mean so much to them. It is a day to celebrate and encourage giving in all its forms.
Giving Tuesday is unique in that is it owned by each of the partners involved. In 2014 the team at Charities Aid Foundation decided to turn Giving Tuesday in the UK into a full global partner of the campaign and since then has supported the growth of the campaign which now has thousands of partners across the charity and business sectors and enjoys support from celebrities and decision makers alike.

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Help us spread the word about Alleyn's bursaries
